2014年10月16日 星期四

The Three Sisters

Journal 17/3     by Liling

     I went to Katoomba to see The Three Sisters with Irina and Classmates.

     The Three Sisters are three rock mountains and there is a story about them. A long time ago, there were three sisters and they were beautiful girls.
One day, they wanted to go out with a man but their father was angry and said "no". So, they ran here and stood changed into three rock mountains.

     We bushwaoked down to the valley after that we climbed the mountain by scenic Railway and to see valley view by scenic Skyway. Those were very interesting.

    Some people were very tired so Irina took us back at 3 p.m. but I didn't feel so tired and I thought to go Leura. So I went to Leura with Kiki, Ching and Xiao-hang.

     Leura is a small town and there were some cofes and curio shops. Kiki and Xiao-hang bought something in a curio shop. I took a walk in this small town with Ching. We saw a beautiful white cat and it's owner was a lovely girl. I took a picture with them.

     I like to take a walk in a small village and in an easy manner.

