2014年10月16日 星期四

Pottery Night

Journal 21/3     by Liling

     Eleni and Petro went to a friend's home tonight. Irini, Vironas, Niki and I stayed at home.
Irini and Vironas are Eleni and Petro's daughter and son. Niki is Eleni's nephew who studies at the University of Technology, Sydney.

     Irini said, "We can do anything tonight". Niki said, "Ok, we can use potter's clay to do something." So, we started to make some pottery.

     Niki made a cup, Irini made a strange head, Vironas made a candlestick and I made a strange chicken.

     When we finished our productions, Niki said, "We must clean the table and floor, if not, your mother will kill me."

     We were very happy tonight.

