2014年10月19日 星期日

It's never to late to study again!

Journal 27/3     by Liling

     In the afternoon, I drank coffee with Eleni and she asked me "Can you sketch somebody's face?" I replied "I can." "Could you sketch Irini's face?" Eleni asked me and I said "Ok!" So Eleni give me Irini's photograph then I drew Irini's picture.

     I liked painting when I studied in college, I always painted society posters until midnight and my mother usually said, "If your studies regress then you can't paint anything."

     Because the course I studies in college is Department of  Business Management, it isn't fine art.

     Now, "In the past, if I had known your job is art designer, I would have just let you study fine art in college," my mother said.

