2014年9月14日 星期日

My life in Sydney.

Journal 15/2

In the morning, I'll prepare my "2 minute talk". The contents are as follows:

Good morning everyone.

My topic is my life in Sydney.

First, I'll talk about my homestay. I live in Leichhardt where there is a European Community. My host family is very kind and they are originally from Greece. So I can eat Greek food, Italian food and Spanish at my homestay. My host family's members: Eleni and Petre Alexiou and their son and daughter -- Vironas 16 and Irini 13. Eleni is my homestay mother and she is a ceramic potter. She teachs me how to do ceramics and I teach her how to cook Chinese food. Petro currently subtitles Greek films at SBS-Television and he lent me some story books including his witings -- From the land of Ikaros.

Secondly, I'll talk about learning the language. There are a lively currieculum, good library and friendly classmeates in the English Centre. I like to talk about anything with my classmates and host family. I can improve my English by active talking.

Finally, I'll talk about arts. The use of classical color depicting the lively life images. Aboriginal art of Australia takes a distinct course of its own. I never touched it before I came to Australia.

I study and observe anthing every day in Sydney.

