2014年9月2日 星期二

Chinese food – Gow Gee

Journal 7/2      by Liling

In the morning, I went to China town by bus. I will be cooking Chinese food – Gow Gee for dinner tonight. There are many stalls in Paddy's Markets. You can buy vegetable, fruit, cloth and toys.

I bought pork, scallions, Gow Gee Pastry and Pure Sesame oil in Paddy's Markets.

In the afternoon, I taught Petro and Eleni how to make Gow Gee. Petro is my homestay father, Eleni is my homestay mother.

So, we have finished our work. We have 80 Gow Gees. Now, we are waiting our guest Margaret to come here to dinner. Margaret is Petro and Eleni's friend. We will be boiling Gow Gees.

(Gow Gee 餃子是我在 homestay 第一次展現我的廚藝 ,之後我每隔一個假日就會下廚做一個中式的晚餐和大家一起享用。)

