2014年9月14日 星期日

Chinese tea

Journal 16/2

My friend Yang came to CET to met me from Macquarie this afternoon.
He studies at Macquarie University and he brought a tiny Chinese Pot for me.

I liek to drink Chinese tea very much.
In my home town, there are many mountains around and they produce good Chinese teas.

In my country, I like to go to the mountains with my friends and we take a tiny pot, some tiny cups and a tiny stove for drinking Chinese tea.

The spring water can make the best Chinese tea. So, we find the spring water and drink Chinese tea in the mountains.

(我帶了三種茶葉到澳洲, 鐵觀音茶送日本人, 東方美人茶送給歐洲人, 文山包種茶則迷倒中國人. 歐美人會泡紅茶, 東方美人茶用紅茶泡法很OK, 所以就比較不會泡不好,我homestay 爸爸還迷上了東方美人茶呢!)

